11 Mar 2020
Today, I’m sharing with you my Labour of Love Techniques for this week, where I discuss leaving our footprint for the future generation. For me, it’s my #HERreTreats in building a foundation where you can reconnect with yourself. This technique is to start you on your way, that in 2021 you can look back and say I did that, I started the path where all...
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12 Feb 2020
What better day, to start a journey of love than on St. Valentine’s day.I consider Valentine’s Day as the beginning of a new chapter in my life; I do not think of it as closing the book on my past, but rather the turning of a page in writing a new story.“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifetime of romance.” – AnonymousThe fact...
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08 Jan 2020
With this new decade, and in coming to grips with what you have done in the past, and how your past experiences will serve you in creating your new future. I invite you to take the time today for you by doing this week’s Labour of Love Technique which is about new and unity. NEW: Starting a new decade. UNITY: Unifying everything you have done in...
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26 Dec 2019
Our children have flown off into the sunset to explore the great seas of life. We gave them wings, taught them to fly in preparation to soar high in the sky, expanding the horizon of opportunity. Their adventure starts while our continues. Alone in our empty nest, we fill our space with new growth and revitalize love of our very existence. Like the beautiful smell...
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08 Oct 2019
You may wonder, what are the 4 P’s? They are what drives us to the ever light of empowerment in the existence that all is possible. The 4P’s catapults us to a PURPOSE that is achieved by recognizing our PASSION, calling us to our POWER, and being open to explore life’s POSSIBILITIES. The 4 P’s: PASSION – That fuels our existence. PURPOSE – The reason that...
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01 Oct 2019
My visit to the highland cows at doable verge reminded me of : When someone has a cow because we hurt their feelings, sometimes we have to take the “highland” and apologize. In defending our honour in belief that we are right, can only deepen the pile of poop. Or When someone has “beef” with us because we hurt their feelings… no matter how we...
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31 Jul 2019
We have all uttered or heard someone declare the fighting words “BRING IT ON!” when about to face a challenge or challenger. What always comes to my mind is the image of a boxer, all bare-chested sweaty in red polyester shorts. A mouthguard is locked in his angry jaw, fists are gloved and punching at an invisible opponent as he ducks under the ropes and...
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13 Mar 2019
I lay calmly on the green grass staring up into the sun and feel the warmth of its rays beating down on my naked self. I am raw, exposing my deepest self to the elements that touch my soul. I give way to the stirring sensation and embrace the rush that is being created within my ore compelling me to awaken my desire. My second...
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06 Mar 2019
Episode 18: Weekly Inspiration I am one with the universe I am one with me I am courageous even in my fear I am strong even when I feel weak I am loyal to my convictions I am of value and value life I am kind to myself and to others I am compassionate to all living beings I am respectful and respected I...
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20 Feb 2019
Episode 16: Weekly Inspiration I close my eyes and lay still in the darkness of my own choice I turn my vision inward to the depth of my being Scanning my body Examining the vessel that I call me Waiting for the signs My body has a language of its own, my body talks to me The question is, will I listen to it? I...
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