21 Aug 2019
Well if the answer to that question is “NO” then it’s time to “Get the Guy” and buy the book and maybe run not walk to his next seminar! Maybe dance to the next seminar? Ladies, I enjoyed the most motivating, inspiring and entertaining afternoon this past Sunday. I shared 5 hours with 200 other women learning the hidden secrets of men from dating Guru...
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14 Aug 2019
Finding that perfect seasoning, a mixture where two come together. A recipe with many ingredients, where all it needs is time to rise into some that will nourish your soul. It’s all about finding that perfect recipe. www.cookanddate.com Cook and Date takes the pressure out of meeting someone for the first time. If you have any relationship or dating questions I am here to support...
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07 Aug 2019
Concurring online dating… Turn the computer on….Check! Sign in to Match / eharmony / Zoosk / iDates / Elites Singles Now, here goes… You ask yourself why are my fingers frozen on the keyboard, and my eyes staring blankly at the site’s blue and white home page??? Break down that “Brand Name” and it depicts where your life is at this moment… In your quest to...
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31 Jul 2019
We have all uttered or heard someone declare the fighting words “BRING IT ON!” when about to face a challenge or challenger. What always comes to my mind is the image of a boxer, all bare-chested sweaty in red polyester shorts. A mouthguard is locked in his angry jaw, fists are gloved and punching at an invisible opponent as he ducks under the ropes and...
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22 Jul 2019
A MEANINGFUL LESSON OF DISCOVERING INNER STRENGTH One never knows when an opportunity to support someone while guiding them to see their inner strength will present itself but as a coach, my eyes and ears are always open to seizing the moment… Carpe Diem! It doesn’t matter the age of the person or the circumstance of the situation as you will soon discover from this...
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05 Jun 2019
I see the universe like a rainbow Each colour vivid and unique Signifying hope and a path to my limitless possibilities Like life, it has a beginning… A birth that continues its upward motion Arching it’s way up to the infinite sky that leads to our personal pot of gold I Am Alive I smell the aroma of earth’s natural perfume No matter where I...
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22 May 2019
I stand all alone in the corner of my everyday life A dark cast of gloomy grey skies are around me The promising light of day and what could be is desperately trying to break through my imaginary armour. I have worn this protective layer for so long, believing it shields me from the pain that might threaten my existence. I feel the grey cement...
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15 May 2019
I walk through the different avenues of my mind My heart is pounding with a rhythmic beat of uncertainty I crave to know where I belong and how to fit in Longing for the answers to such questions still eludes me Like a mirage in the dessert I see the imagery of where I belong I want to move towards my paradise Fear of quicksand...
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08 May 2019
In the landscape of my mind, off in the far west I see a blazing fireball which is the sun Its power and heat is getting ready to succumb to the chill of the dark night sky Slowly it is descending Lowering itself into the horizon Like a tired head nestling its way into a down pillow The hour of dusk is near, The...
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03 Apr 2019
I am twirling and swaying to the soft rhythmic beat of the music alone on the dance floor A romantic rumba playing in my soul is aching for you to be near I feel your presence even before I can see you slowly emerging into the shimmering lights Your hand reaches out to mine and we connect Together we enter into the dance of love...
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