The Road to Love!

12 Feb 2020
What better day, to start a journey of love than on St. Valentine’s day.
I consider Valentine’s Day as the beginning of a new chapter in my life; I do not think of it as closing the book on my past, but rather the turning of a page in writing a new story.
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifetime of romance.” – Anonymous
The fact is, we all want to feel love 365 days a year but, it starts with self-love.
We how often ask ourselves, why am I not able to find “the one”? We live in a technology-driven society that makes it easy for us not to physically communicate, so we wonder why, is it so hard to meet someone, anyone. You might think, just put down your device and just go out and meet someone but, if only it was so easy. Like millennials, Generation X is looking for love and ready to mingle but, finding it difficult to connect with those with the same interest and core values. So, you see, there is a vast pool of “fishes” but, they just need a way to connect, and that’s why online dating can be an option to finding that perfect match.

We all believe in fairy tales, hoping our fairy godmother will swoop down to guide us, encourage us, in finding Mr. Right. But this is real life, and we might need that extra push but through divine intervention and my love to help my amazing readers, I have discovered a click to read -> { In-Depth Guide Of The Best Online Dating Sites.}
A most read with “A comprehensive guide to top online dating sites, their features, services, and what to watch out for when using them”.
– published by consumer
LOVE is a journey that shouldn’t be done alone, it’s a journey to inspiration, connections, community, and support. I’m here to help as your Lifestyle Strategist in empowering you to live by your own design. If you have any questions and need a guide to your journey to find the love you deserve, you can reach me at
To hear more about the road map to your one true LOVE… YOU and how to Let Go, of all that negative energy that can be holding you back, click below and watch my #LabourofLoveTechnique28
Cheryl Besner – LifeStyle Strategist
EMPOWERING you to live by your own design.
Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat Facilitator. For expert advice on love, relationship, dating and coaching on how to reach your full potential email me at
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