Transparency in Love
When it comes to Love the most basic thing to remember is to be the real you and let your beloved see you as you are! Right down to your core! This brings a whole new meaning to “Let it all hang out!” Cheryl XO
When it comes to Love the most basic thing to remember is to be the real you and let your beloved see you as you are! Right down to your core! This brings a whole new meaning to “Let it all hang out!” Cheryl XO
If so, there is a cure! Read on. If you ask any expert in the dating world for the first piece of advice they give to singles on how best to attract someone’s attention, they will unanimously suggest that people SMILE – big, with teeth – and to do it often. Lets face it, one doesn’t have to be an expert to know that people are...
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This past Wednesday night, I was a guest on Dr. Laurie Betito’s Passion on CJAD 800. I was participating in a panel discussion on what extremes people will go to get they guy or the girl. We heard some pretty crazy stories, even one about limb lengthening! No, not that kind of lengthening… It was and interesting hour of conversation and enlightenment, and even Dr. Laurie herself...
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Dating is supposed to be fun, romantic and stimulating. But how can we make sure to play safe? When my friends and I were younger, our potential suitors picked us up at home and subsequently were put through an interrogation by our parents. This was followed by a rough handshake, intended to intimidate the boy, while the mother ran off to the front door, taking down his license plate. ...
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Tantra…Say the word. It even sounds sexy when you say it! And people have all kinds of different definitions of what they assume it means (hilarious definitions if you hear Jess Salomon’s “Love Beats on the Street” on Saturday’s show). A common misconception from what I have heard on the street is that most think that it’s a weird sexual practice for sex maniacs, or that...
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The need for compassion, giving and paying it forward are the “ties that bind” for this powerhouse of a woman, once married to the Prime Minister of Canada. As a woman speaking out about living with bipolar disorder or as an ambassador for Water Aid Canada, when you sit with Margaret Trudeau, you cannot resist being drawn in by her passion and positive energy. I had the opportunity...
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Dating in 2015 can be fun and exciting, or dull and a complete drag. It all depends on the chemistry between the potential couple-to-be and what they make of the date itself. Personally, I think a date says a lot about two people and their basic interests. So why does it have to be the same old, same old? Here’s the thing, it doesn’t! We’ve heard...
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Dating sites: There are so many to choose from. It’s kind of like being a kid in a candy store. Plenty of Fish, Match.com, OKCupid, JDate, Christian Mingle, Date A Farmer (yes, it exists)…the list goes on and on! I’m not sure when things changed. Probably sometime in the last 12 years, while I was in a monogamous relationship. But in today’s day and age, if you’re looking for love...
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Connecting is something I have always done naturally, through my entire business life, so why not apply my skills to the most important type of connecting? Love and partnerships! We use experts in life to help us in every aspect of our health and well-being. We turn to teachers, dentists, doctors and lawyers for expert advice and help when needed. We go to head hunters to find...
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