Leaving your mark!
Today, I’m sharing with you my Labour of Love Techniques for this week, where I discuss leaving our footprint for the future generation. For me, it’s my #HERreTreats in building a foundation where you can reconnect with yourself. This technique is to start you on your way, that in 2021 you can look back and say I did that, I started the path where all...
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Regaining your Energy!
We often feel that powering through life’s obstacles is the key to getting through our daily challenges. But, in actuality, to get through those challenges, we need to take a step back, survey the situation, regain our thoughts, and our energy and then proceed. In regaining our energy, only then we can power through, and to make it to the other side. Today, I’m going...
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Set Your Intentions!
The new moon is a renewal of one’s self, where it is the best time to set your intentions, in surrendering yourself to let go or set a new path. In creating a synergy, that will propel you mentally, spiritually, or physically to an attainable goal. Feel the energy, embrace it, and tap into your intuition that will guide you to all your possibilities. Today...
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Moving Forward!
We often feel that dredging up the past can be that rope that keeps us tied down, but, actually that feeling can be that light to carry us through to find ourselves free from our pain. Today I’m going to share with you the techniques I use with all my clients to help them find the positive side to dredging up the past. Labour of...
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The Road to Love!
What better day, to start a journey of love than on St. Valentine’s day.I consider Valentine’s Day as the beginning of a new chapter in my life; I do not think of it as closing the book on my past, but rather the turning of a page in writing a new story.“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifetime of romance.” – AnonymousThe fact...
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Work-Life Balance!
At the forefront of many conversations these days, you will hear more and more high achievers talking about a desire to create a “Work-Life-Balance” in their lives. For some, it means choosing to step away from their present job, accepting a lower salary for more free time while others change their profession altogether to slow down their fast-paced lifestyle in the corporate or business world....
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The IRS is coming for you! {INSTANT RELIEF of STRESS}
Did you ever stop to think about stress and how someone else’s stress can affect you? How their nervous energy or anxious disposition resonates within you? It’s as if stress is contagious, with no were to go and stuck in their space or conversation with them. Your partner comes home from work stressed about a situation, and the more they talk about it, your energy...
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Who Am I?
This week’s Labour of Love Technique #25, finding harmony in yourself and who you are. This year is about finding your focus, in combining everything you have experienced throughout the years, which encompasses who you are. I start all my retreats and one on one sessions with a self-discovery exercise… Make this year the year that you find harmony, peace, and fulfillment in rediscovering who...
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The Language of Love!
This week’s Labour of Love Technique #24, The Language of Love and how we interpret it. I hear the same stories from so many lovers, in there claims/interpretations on how they feel that their special someone doesn’t listen or hear what they are saying. In the language of love, what are you saying, what are you asking for, and what are you feeling? Here is...
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A New Decade!
With this new decade, and in coming to grips with what you have done in the past, and how your past experiences will serve you in creating your new future. I invite you to take the time today for you by doing this week’s Labour of Love Technique which is about new and unity. NEW: Starting a new decade. UNITY: Unifying everything you have done in...
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