24 Sep 2019
Everyone knows what MIA stands for, but now it explains our busy on the go lifestyle – and it’s all due to our “MY INSANE AGENDA”. I must confess that it’s partial due to this technology-driven era with constant innovating devices that aids us in keeping up, with the fast pace and never-ending schedule. Also, in navigating through this “MY INSANE AGENDA” we have to...
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17 Sep 2019
Beautiful things happen when we distance ourselves from negativity and only then, can we find “JOY”. We are so afraid of being considered outspoken and independent that we actually forget this is a key character in finding our strength, which will lead to finding what makes us happy, “JOY”! Life lessons: If we don’t stand up and go for what we want in life, we...
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10 Sep 2019
How to find a recipe that works for you. Meditation, for many sounds like torture and I, have to admit years ago when people suggested I learn to meditate my automatic reaction was to laugh and say “you obviously don’t know me as I don’t like to sit still for very long.” However… Since I can remember I always performed tasks that mandated me to...
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21 Aug 2019
Well if the answer to that question is “NO” then it’s time to “Get the Guy” and buy the book and maybe run not walk to his next seminar! Maybe dance to the next seminar? Ladies, I enjoyed the most motivating, inspiring and entertaining afternoon this past Sunday. I shared 5 hours with 200 other women learning the hidden secrets of men from dating Guru...
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14 Aug 2019
Finding that perfect seasoning, a mixture where two come together. A recipe with many ingredients, where all it needs is time to rise into some that will nourish your soul. It’s all about finding that perfect recipe. www.cookanddate.com Cook and Date takes the pressure out of meeting someone for the first time. If you have any relationship or dating questions I am here to support...
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07 Aug 2019
Concurring online dating… Turn the computer on….Check! Sign in to Match / eharmony / Zoosk / iDates / Elites Singles Now, here goes… You ask yourself why are my fingers frozen on the keyboard, and my eyes staring blankly at the site’s blue and white home page??? Break down that “Brand Name” and it depicts where your life is at this moment… In your quest to...
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31 Jul 2019
We have all uttered or heard someone declare the fighting words “BRING IT ON!” when about to face a challenge or challenger. What always comes to my mind is the image of a boxer, all bare-chested sweaty in red polyester shorts. A mouthguard is locked in his angry jaw, fists are gloved and punching at an invisible opponent as he ducks under the ropes and...
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03 Jul 2019
Like the season’s life has a cycle of evolution A unique distinctive landscape emerges before our eyes Different from the past and the future Each passing day brings a new vision of potential The elements that surround us contribute to the cold challenges that lay ahead Or provide the warmth of a safe moment to embrace our accomplishments Therein lies the beauty The Season of...
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19 Jun 2019
I am the master of my destiny My dreams of yesterday My efforts of today My achievements of tomorrow The child that played in the park Carefree and without expectations still dwells in my soul I summon that spirit to my present being Not afraid to take the risks They will bring me to my dream existence I remember the colours of my dreams Like...
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12 Jun 2019
I awake in the morning, my eyes flutter slowly to open Focusing on the light the peaks through the cracks of my inner sanctum A hint of the day to come is cast upon my walls I can see the trace of brightness signifying that sunshine awaits my awakened being Another precious day of choice Laying there silently, listening for the sounds of the day...
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