03 Sep 2019
This is the ‘Season of Love’ but it’s not only about finding your love partner but also about discovering the love you have for yourself and reminding yourself that you are FEARLESSLY FABULOUS – no matter what stage you are at in your life. Like the season’s of life, there has to be a cycle of evolution. Unique and distinctive that through every passing day there is...
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21 Aug 2019
Well if the answer to that question is “NO” then it’s time to “Get the Guy” and buy the book and maybe run not walk to his next seminar! Maybe dance to the next seminar? Ladies, I enjoyed the most motivating, inspiring and entertaining afternoon this past Sunday. I shared 5 hours with 200 other women learning the hidden secrets of men from dating Guru...
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14 Aug 2019
Finding that perfect seasoning, a mixture where two come together. A recipe with many ingredients, where all it needs is time to rise into some that will nourish your soul. It’s all about finding that perfect recipe. www.cookanddate.com Cook and Date takes the pressure out of meeting someone for the first time. If you have any relationship or dating questions I am here to support...
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22 Jul 2019
A MEANINGFUL LESSON OF DISCOVERING INNER STRENGTH One never knows when an opportunity to support someone while guiding them to see their inner strength will present itself but as a coach, my eyes and ears are always open to seizing the moment… Carpe Diem! It doesn’t matter the age of the person or the circumstance of the situation as you will soon discover from this...
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03 Jul 2019
Like the season’s life has a cycle of evolution A unique distinctive landscape emerges before our eyes Different from the past and the future Each passing day brings a new vision of potential The elements that surround us contribute to the cold challenges that lay ahead Or provide the warmth of a safe moment to embrace our accomplishments Therein lies the beauty The Season of...
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20 Feb 2019
Episode 16: Weekly Inspiration I close my eyes and lay still in the darkness of my own choice I turn my vision inward to the depth of my being Scanning my body Examining the vessel that I call me Waiting for the signs My body has a language of its own, my body talks to me The question is, will I listen to it? I...
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14 Feb 2019
Episode 15: Weekly Inspiration I am choosing to be me at all times I am choosing to live my life as part of the universe I am choosing to stand strong in my convictions I am choosing to appreciate my attributes I am choosing to check in with myself for balance I am choosing to live my purpose I am choosing to live with compassion...
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15 Jan 2019
To date these days we need a whole new set of skills. It’s making me crazy that the language of romance has been reduced to 3 – 7 capital letters in the form of acronyms. The text is taking over and RMUBAR – Romance is messed up beyond all recognition! MOTOS N2M MOTSS should learn that texting is a CWOT and will result in...
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30 Nov 2018
Episode 5: Weekly Inspiration Imagine yourself in a cocoon, warm, inviting, safety in the silky layers wrapped around you. You can see the light which beckons you to become the butterfly within. The light calls for you to break through the fibers of your transformation. The metamorphosis is complete… You have become the butterfly that was within you. You are ready to fly. Your...
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