27 May 2013
Martha Stewart has for years taught us all how to create the perfect home and lifestyle. As a newly single woman I think her profile on match.com is a clear example on a picture perfect profile. I think i’ll go back to the drawing board or in this case my keyboard and refresh my look! What do you think of Martha’s new journey into online dating?...
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23 May 2013
I am anxiously awaiting for those 6pm church bells to ring today as the chime will coincide with the launch of 365daystofindlove.com first get out and get connected soirée. The journey for us all starts with stepping out and meeting new people with no stress other than do you drink red, white or in this particular case champagne? Le Pois Penché on De Maisonneuve in Montreal,...
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19 May 2013
In my books the unexpected are always the best delights in life and the events of this past week proved to be no exception. May 14th was the opening night of Yellow Week in Montreal with a festival of delightful events created by none other than the magnificent Mabel Palomino of Manina Productions. The inspiration was of course the streets of France and the sparkling...
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16 May 2013
Strutting for a cause I never enter a gossip fest with people as find it hurtful with no purpose. It is always at someone else’s expense and why would anyone do that in life unless they need to put others down to feel better. I find it interesting that after 3 months of blogging there is still speculation about whether I am a gossip or...
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14 May 2013
In a world where everything is moving at lightning speed and nothing seems to be private it’s no wonder that everyone seems to feel disconnected at times. While filming a recent episode for laxtomtl.com I had the pleasure of meeting a young single woman named Kazzie and we had a great heart to heart about her ideas on life and love. It seems there is...
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12 May 2013
I have had the chance ever since February 14th, which was the first day of the 365daytofiindlove countdown, to meet and share stories with all kinds of different people. It doesn’t seem to matter what city or social economic demographic an individual is from, there seems to be one common link that prevails… everyone is searching for answers on many different levels. The world around...
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12 May 2013
However the transportation it’s reaching the final destination that is the most important. Where do I want to end up sometime in the next 286 days? The journey so far has been amazing as I learn more about human nature and myself in general. The paths I take keep changing as I discover new avenues for meeting people and getting connected. Just getting up each...
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