26 Feb 2020
The new moon is a renewal of one’s self, where it is the best time to set your intentions, in surrendering yourself to let go or set a new path. In creating a synergy, that will propel you mentally, spiritually, or physically to an attainable goal. Feel the energy, embrace it, and tap into your intuition that will guide you to all your possibilities. Today...
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19 Feb 2020
We often feel that dredging up the past can be that rope that keeps us tied down, but, actually that feeling can be that light to carry us through to find ourselves free from our pain. Today I’m going to share with you the techniques I use with all my clients to help them find the positive side to dredging up the past. Labour of...
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05 Feb 2020
At the forefront of many conversations these days, you will hear more and more high achievers talking about a desire to create a “Work-Life-Balance” in their lives. For some, it means choosing to step away from their present job, accepting a lower salary for more free time while others change their profession altogether to slow down their fast-paced lifestyle in the corporate or business world....
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29 Jan 2020
Did you ever stop to think about stress and how someone else’s stress can affect you? How their nervous energy or anxious disposition resonates within you? It’s as if stress is contagious, with no were to go and stuck in their space or conversation with them. Your partner comes home from work stressed about a situation, and the more they talk about it, your energy...
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08 Jan 2020
With this new decade, and in coming to grips with what you have done in the past, and how your past experiences will serve you in creating your new future. I invite you to take the time today for you by doing this week’s Labour of Love Technique which is about new and unity. NEW: Starting a new decade. UNITY: Unifying everything you have done in...
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18 Dec 2019
The first step to empower yourself in using your limbs, in recognizing your self worth, and to learn more watch my Labour of Love Technique #20. Giving you weekly techniques to Empower yourself in seeing all lifes Possibilities. Click below and watch #LabourofLoveTechnique20 Cheryl Besner – The LifeStylist EMPOWERING you to live by your own design. Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat...
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17 Sep 2019
Beautiful things happen when we distance ourselves from negativity and only then, can we find “JOY”. We are so afraid of being considered outspoken and independent that we actually forget this is a key character in finding our strength, which will lead to finding what makes us happy, “JOY”! Life lessons: If we don’t stand up and go for what we want in life, we...
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14 Aug 2019
Finding that perfect seasoning, a mixture where two come together. A recipe with many ingredients, where all it needs is time to rise into some that will nourish your soul. It’s all about finding that perfect recipe. www.cookanddate.com Cook and Date takes the pressure out of meeting someone for the first time. If you have any relationship or dating questions I am here to support...
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03 Jul 2019
Like the season’s life has a cycle of evolution A unique distinctive landscape emerges before our eyes Different from the past and the future Each passing day brings a new vision of potential The elements that surround us contribute to the cold challenges that lay ahead Or provide the warmth of a safe moment to embrace our accomplishments Therein lies the beauty The Season of...
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19 Jun 2019
I am the master of my destiny My dreams of yesterday My efforts of today My achievements of tomorrow The child that played in the park Carefree and without expectations still dwells in my soul I summon that spirit to my present being Not afraid to take the risks They will bring me to my dream existence I remember the colours of my dreams Like...
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