23 Nov 2018
Episode 2: Weekly Inspiration Can we possibly obliterate fear? What does the word really mean? What is FEAR? Why have we let four simple letters stand in our way at times? Imagine if the energy we consumed when we are frightened by the dark was instead used to power forth our beam of light! Are you ready to put fear into action instead of having...
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03 Mar 2018
Have you ever arrived at a cross-roads, looked at all the different street signs of life and been unsure of which path to follow? Well, if you are like most individuals and honest about it, the answer is a hard YES! You might be tempted to calculate the path of least resistance that help you get to the destination faster yet in the end still...
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15 Nov 2017
There are many different ways to meet people in today’s “modern dating” world and it’s almost overwhelming. We have all kinds of dating sites and apps and with all the social media platforms accessible at a click of a button; it has truly become challenging to meet someone for those looking for a serious relationship. With online dating, many post fake profiles just to attract people...
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07 Jun 2017
How do you know that you have met “the one”, that special someone who walks into your life, makes an impression that sweeps off your feet, knocking all the others out from your line of vision? Cheryl: “What was it that was different about your beloved? Karl: “I knew when I first saw her the first time… there was just something in her eyes that...
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01 Jun 2015
The Kiss of death? Dating can be an ordeal for some but imagine if you had dietary restrictions so severe that just kissing a person would send you into anaphylactic shock. Dietary restrictions can be more than just a question of taste, diseases like celiac require an individual to maintain a specific dietary regime and lifestyle. It’s not just a passive lifestyle decision or about...
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25 May 2015
In this episode, we talk about algorithms and other technology behind finding the perfect match with Thierry Hubert, CEO of Darwin Ecosystem LLC. Meet our Bachelorette, Tanya and hear what Glen Miller, Vice President of marketing and sales for White Label Dating and Cora MacDonald of the CHOM Girls on Games team have to say during our round table discussions. As usual we will talk about...
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22 May 2015
This week on Solo in the City, the question of the week is…can algorithms lead to a better way to date? Can they help us select our mates more effectively than natural chemistry? It’s the clash of the sciences: Computing vs. chemistry! And when both ingredients are in the mix, we have a “genius” relationship ready to be born! According to IBM president and CEO Ginni Rometty, devices...
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20 May 2015
In this episode we talk about the benefits of cuddling with Hasnain Mirza, co-founder of Cuddle Me. Meet our Bachelor, Sebastien and hear what Dr. Syd Miller and CJAD 800’s Paris Mansouri have to say during our round table. As usual, we have our KISS (Keep It Simply Social) calendar and we hit the streets asking people what they think about paying for cuddles with our “Love...
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19 May 2015
It can be a terrifying term. The F Word: Friends. It’s probably the worst word you can hear when you want to be more than just that with the opposite sex. It’s simple. The ‘friend zone’ refers to a situation where one person wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other does not. This zone issue occurs in relationships when both...
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15 May 2015
Who doesn’t like a good cuddle? Studies have shown that a 20-second hug release oxytocin which can help us feel better, and more connected with ourselves and those around us. For many solos, getting that hugging “fix” is not an option and that’s where cuddleme.ca comes in. Hasnain Mirza is the co-founder of CuddleMe and will be joining me on Solo in the City on CJAD...
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