30 Apr 2013
OMG…imagine this… As you all know I am presently on a couple of online dating site and have adopted a mode of operation due to writing this blog that I do not deviate from. I decided out of respect, to not enter into conversation with any man who contacts me until they log onto this site and get an idea of what I am about....
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27 Apr 2013
I have decided I want to take the plunge into serious “find a Partner” mode and I am ready to be proactive. Enter “It’s just Lunch”. Tomorrow you will be able to tune in and see the next “webisode” as I continue on in my search to find love in the next 293 days (tick-tock OMG) and ask the pros of IJL for help....
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25 Apr 2013
When the experts talk I listen… Matt Hussey of GTG said get out and meet people! Another tip was to always try and sit at a bar in restaurants as, contrary to popular belief, shoulder to shoulder positioning is better for energy flow out onto the universe. As well when you go out two women it allows for you to interact with others and MEET...
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23 Apr 2013
Far and wide into cyberspace that is…. I recieved a tip from an online dating expert that said if you really want to send out the “singledom” message in another effective way besides a “.com” company… just press single on Facebook. Watch what happens!! BONUS: Its free! XO Cheryl
22 Apr 2013
We have to spread our wings and leave our cozy nests as its the only way we can fly into Cupid. Happy Monday Everyone! Cheryl XO
20 Apr 2013
Taking off to Toronto today to meet the man who is trying to educate the women of the world on how to get the guy! Meet Matthew Hussey the author of Get The Guy! A hands on guide to the way to attract and hang on to the man of our dreams. I have been thoroughly entertained all week with my book, while curled up on my...
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19 Apr 2013
There are times when cancelling a date at the last minute due to extreme circumstance is acceptable. Meet Philip Chiang and Michael Aronovici Well for this foodie, the extreme circumstance was the media launch for the grand opening of Montreals PF Chang’s and knowing that the signature chicken lettuce wraps were on the menu. Myself, Jason of “shut up and eat” along with 40 other bloggers and...
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16 Apr 2013
I recently received a letter from a reader questioning the rules of dating etiquette. He had reached out via Facebook to a woman he knew through a friend of a friend of a friend and asked her out on a date, only to be rejected because she knew of his ex-wife. Get the drift? He was bothered by this because he feels everyone living in a...
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