03 Mar 2018
Have you ever arrived at a cross-roads, looked at all the different street signs of life and been unsure of which path to follow? Well, if you are like most individuals and honest about it, the answer is a hard YES! You might be tempted to calculate the path of least resistance that help you get to the destination faster yet in the end still...
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21 Feb 2018
Are you a single mom or dad? If so, how are you balancing love and relationships in today’s dating world? Do you feel isolated or overwhelmed at times, just barely able to keep your head above water? Well, the good news is that there is a whole new community out there called “Single MOMtreal” with a mission to help all those in need, whatever that...
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14 Feb 2018
Valentine’s Day is around the corner and this time of the year is all about LOVE and hearts floating around! All the love birds are busy planning something special for their significant other; from line ups at the flower shop to restaurant reservations to the chocolate boxes flying off the shelves and the list goes on…But what about all the single people out there? How...
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07 Feb 2018
This past weekend, I co created my first relationship reTREAT with Bhaskar Goswami at a magical place called: Le Couvent Val Morin. The word retreat has the word “TREAT” in it. What does it ring to your ears? TREAT YOURSELF. This retreat was all about getting “up to date” on life, disconnecting to reconnecting with ourselves and cultivating what a generous spirit is all about. Cheryl:...
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31 Jan 2018
Is alcohol impacting your relationships? Are you even aware that you or maybe someone in your circle is suffering from some form of addiction? You may not be. For instance, drinking has become such a big part of our social interaction that sometimes we don’t realize how much we or those around us are consuming on a regular basis. I have witnessed people struggle from...
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24 Jan 2018
There is a thought process for many that just because we are confident, mature even worldly individuals, we know everything about dating and relationships. Well we don’t! The missing component for some is competence which is only achieved through research, learning and practice. You may be confident, you can walk a tightrope but chances are you are going to go for a tumble and fall...
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17 Jan 2018
It all started with four simple words “will you marry me?” so loving and hopeful for that happily ever after. Now, here you are with four new words being uttered “I want a divorce”. Divorce is not easy or sweet and in most cases it is rarely amicable, but what if you could still hold onto that happily ever after sentiment even though it won’t...
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10 Jan 2018
When a year ends, we have time to reflect on the past and set new goals for ourselves no matter what they are. It’s a fresh start and it’s a blessing on its own to be able to ring in another year so cheers to a new chapter and to endless possibilities! “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his...
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20 Dec 2017
Did you ever wake up on the other side of “happily ever after” to “OMG what just happened to my life?” Coming face to face with a fear of flying solo when you have spent years navigating the skies of life with a co-pilot can be daunting. I know how it feels as I said goodbye to my 25 year marriage and found myself solo...
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13 Dec 2017
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan and guess what, they haven’t planned for you”-Jim Rhon- When it comes to relationships, does one-size really fit all? We can’t choose are parents but from that point on, is the world our oyster? Aren’t all other relationships supposed to be a choice we make, one that works best...
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