A New Decade!

With this new decade, and in coming to grips with what you have done in the past, and how your past experiences will serve you in creating your new future.
I invite you to take the time today for you by doing this week’s Labour of Love Technique which is about new and unity.
- NEW: Starting a new decade.
- UNITY: Unifying everything you have done in your life to create your current existence.
Today’s exercise… Get a piece of paper and create 4 columns.
Column one:
Write down your challenges, experiences and disappointments that have happened in 2019 or previous years that you would like to leave in the past and not bring into the New Year.
Column two:
Write down what you have learned from those past experiences… Clearly identify what you want to remain in the past and not be carried over into the future.
Column three:
Write down challenges, accomplishments and milestones that have happened in 2019 or previous years that you would like to bring into the New Year.
Column Four:
Write down how you are going to use those tools from those experiences that you have learned to empower you to keep going to the next accomplishment, and milestone in creating the life you deserve. No longer following the rules of others and living your life by your own design.
Thank you, for taking the time to do this exercise and I hope it has helped you to come to grips with how you want to bring in the New Year.
To hear more about 2020 in combining the past with the present to achieve our tomorrow, click below and watch #LabourofLoveTechnique23
Cheryl Besner – The LifeStylist
EMPOWERING you to live by your own design.
Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat Facilitator. For expert advice on love, relationship, dating and coaching on how to reach your full potential email me at info@cherylbesner.com
#Cherylxo #blingitonbaby💎#TheLifeStylist
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