30 Nov 2018
Episode 5: Weekly Inspiration Imagine yourself in a cocoon, warm, inviting, safety in the silky layers wrapped around you. You can see the light which beckons you to become the butterfly within. The light calls for you to break through the fibers of your transformation. The metamorphosis is complete… You have become the butterfly that was within you. You are ready to fly. Your...
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28 Nov 2018
Episode 4: Weekly Inspiration Feel the stillness in the air that’s around you right now… Calm soothing there is no place to go… except inward. Feel the air… Is it warming your soul inviting you to stay in peace or do you feel it is chilling with anticipation of your tomorrows. Imagine Your skin feels a slight breeze that tingles your externally or a...
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27 Nov 2018
Episode3: Weekly Inspiration I see the embers flickering The fire that lives within me Is still ready to burn Igniting every ounce of my being with purposeful flashes There is no limit to my light and the heat that I can summon from within I hold a torch in my hand I will stoke my fire till the flames dance with passion… like...
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