The IRS is coming for you! {INSTANT RELIEF of STRESS}
29 Jan 2020
Did you ever stop to think about stress and how someone else’s stress can affect you? How their nervous energy or anxious disposition resonates within you? It’s as if stress is contagious, with no were to go and stuck in their space or conversation with them.
Your partner comes home from work stressed about a situation, and the more they talk about it, your energy level rises.
Someone in your home has decided at the last minute to take care of a particular situation, and all hell is breaking loose as their frustration mounts.
I was recently in a situation where my beloved wanted to change a flight at the last minute, and the airline put him on hold forever while simultaneously trying to change it online to no avail as the airline’s system was having issues. Panic and frustration started sinking in, and he was trying to pull me into the situation as he didn’t understand the notifications he was receiving in his profile. Anxiety high and communication low, the energy was emotionally charged which started to sink into my skin, even though I knew it was completely unintentional.
We have all been in situations where we walk into a room and are faced with the energy of stress emanating from someone else. We slowly but surely get caught into their vortex of spiraling and stressful emotions.
So here’s the LOL technique for the week
Find your inner mantra.
Breathe again.
It doesn’t fix your problems, but It gives you instant calming, so you can then release their stress, and build the wall between your energies. So, this way only one of you is dealing with the negative energy, and you are in a better position to help them from your place of CALM.
Thank you for taking the time to do this exercise, and I hope these weekly exercises are giving you the tools you need to start this New Year empowered to live your life in all its possibilities by your design.
To hear more about stress and how to relieve it, click below and watch #LabourofLoveTechnique26
Cheryl Besner – LifeStyle Strategist
EMPOWERING you to live by your own design.
Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat Facilitator. For expert advice on love, relationship, dating and coaching on how to reach your full potential email me at
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