10 Easy Ways to Flirt

There they sit, across a crowded room, the object of your desire – but now what? How do you get their attention?


You are on a date and you want to let the person sitting beside you are interested, but what can you subtly do to convey your attraction?

This is where so many people FREEZE. So how can you BREAK THE ICE and have a connection start to WARM UP?

Remember, it’s all about how a person talks… through conversation and or using body language. The trick is that you want to have fun and not turn a date into an interview, nor do you want to come across as being too seductive.

Here are 10 fun and flirty icebreakers for you to try:

Ask the following questions…

1) “Who is your best friend and why?” This shows interest in their life, while giving you insight into how they connect with people and which important characteristics they appreciate in people.
2) “If you could close your eyes right now and be anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?” From this, you can discover their levels of adventure and intrigue.
3) “What is your favourite way to spend a weekend morning?” This is good to know for future reference if you ever get to that part!
4) “What message would you like to get in a fortune cookie?” This shows you a person’s hopes and dreams.
5) “Do you share well?” If yes, offer to share something you ordered!

Flirty body language…

1) Eye contact is the most important. Your gaze can say a thousand words. From across a crowded room, short, direct eye contact in intervals is the best – each ending with the next most important element…
2) Smile!  Avoid RBF (Resting Bitch Face) at all times.
3) Slowly tilting your head to one side, exposing your neck. This shows vulnerability.
4) Gently stroke your neck, or just place fingertips under your chin. (Need I say more?)
5) Short touches –  like placing your hand on their arm – establishes connection (hint!)  With each gesture you make, slowly increase the time you maintain the contact.

It’s also important to remember that certain things that work for women may not have same result for men, and vice versa. For example, if a woman dangles her shoe on the end of her foot, it is considered flirty. Men usually are drawn to her ankles, and then the fantasy begins. On the contrary, however, if a man slips his foot out of his shoe, a woman will usually think it’s gross, wonder what he intends to do with his toes, and probably start looking for holes in his socks! There is nothing flirty about a barefoot man unless you are meeting on a beach.

So, get up, get out, and get flirty!

Listen to Solo in the City Radio tomorrow night at 10pm on CJAD 800, as we discuss the difference between flirty and seductive with guest co-host Dr. Laurie Betito, and my special guests Mabel Palomino of Manina Productions and public relations expert Vincent White.

– Cheryl xo


Cheryl Besner