I Am Alive!

I see the universe like a rainbow
Each colour vivid and unique
Signifying hope and a path to my limitless possibilities
Like life, it has a beginning… A birth that continues its upward motion
Arching it’s way up to the infinite sky that leads to our personal pot of gold
I Am Alive
I smell the aroma of earth’s natural perfume
No matter where I walk there is a scent that identifies my surroundings
I take a deep Breathe
Recognizing the pine trees of a forest
The salty crisp cool wind which carries the ocean to me
Or the unmistakable odour of a big city asphalt road
I Am Alive
I hear the music playing in the park as I stroll along its path
the crying of a baby in its carriage the whisper of its mother about to settle on the bench near me saying “it’s ok my darling I will take care of you”.
Off in the distance I notice the barking of a dog as it’s chasing a little boy laughing with glee
It’s Sunday and the church bells are chiming glory be
I Am Alive
I feel the earth beneath my feet
Blades of lush green grass between my toes
With each step I take I stand with more confidence
Safe in knowing I am moving forward to my purpose
I Am Alive

xo Cheryl
For your on the go lifestyle, listen to episode 29 via SoundCloud #PillowTalkwithCheryl – How to release your inner God / Goddess!
Pillow Talk with Cheryl every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern time on The Variety Network.
Pillow Talk with Cheryl Episode 29: How to release your inner God / Goddess! and if you have any other relationship or dating questions I am here to support you 24/7 at 844-744-SOLO (7656).
Keep Dancing Through Life With Grace And Ease,
xo Cheryl