Stepping out from my shadow!

I stand all alone in the corner of my everyday life
A dark cast of gloomy grey skies are around me
The promising light of day and what could be is desperately trying to break through my imaginary armour.
I have worn this protective layer for so long, believing it shields me
I feel the grey cement brick wall against my back
I can lean against it, with all my weight knowing it won’t crack
as long as I stay here, I will be supported.
This place, this uniform of metal will keep me safe, yet I am also alone in my corner.
Oh, how I wish to join the others at play
I watch in envy as they frolic happily in the centre of the room
There are only 20 paces between us,
yet the distance between my fear to their joy seems light years away.
Dare, I leave the shadows to step into the light
As long as I stay stuck in my space
Nestled up to nothing except the cold caress of these lifeless walls
I will never know the warmth of the human touch, the bliss of laughter
To feel safe I must trust in myself, I can stand on my own without a structure to support me
I will take off my suit of armour as it serves no purposes, only weighs me down
I will instead wear a smile and be light as a feather, as I dance into the circle of life
with each stride, my pace and purpose will strengthen with pride and determination.
I leave the corner shadow of my yesterday, entering the dance floor of love that will lead to my tomorrows
Metta “May you dance through life with grace and ease” and stepping out from my shadow.
For your on the go lifestyle, listen to episode 27 via SoundCloud #PillowTalkwithCheryl – Love And The True Value Of Friendship!
Pillow Talk with Cheryl every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern time on The Variety Network.
Pillow Talk with Cheryl Episode 27: Love And The True Value Of Friendship! and if you have any other relationship or dating questions I am here to support you 24/7 at 844-744-SOLO (7656).
Keep Dancing Through Life With Grace And Ease,
xo Cheryl