“Can Money Buy You Love”?

Money, we all need it and let’s not deny that we all love to have it as it offers us a certain level of freedom and pleasure. No one truly LIKES living on a tight budget. Happiness, we ALL want it and chase it especially when we get to a certain stage in life! The question is does having one really yield the other. How does love and money balance to create a “successful” relationship?
“Say you don’t need no diamond ring and I’ll be satisfied
Tell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can’t buy
I don’t care too much for money, money can’t buy me love.”—The Beatles
Money cannot buy long-term happiness, but it certainly can be helpful in creating the circumstances that induce happiness. There is definitely a correlation between income and long-term happiness and there are other factors that are even more important. Social factors, such as: marriage, family, friends, and children, are more significant in determining long-term happiness than elements such as: job, income, and standard of living.
Finding your true purpose in life will also make you happy as well as successful financially, as when you love what you do, the two worlds will collide.
Cheryl: “Chasing money is really never the answer…when you’re doing something you really love, you’re going to be happy and you will make money.”
Lisa: “It depends for every couple…it depends on how you were raised…you have to always be prepared in case something happens…it’s important to communicate and have certain conversations in a relationship…The person who’s going out there showing off all their money, I tend to feel there’s something missing in their life.”
What creates a healthy balance in a relationship is when both parties see eye to eye on their lifestyle, values and goals. If you are with someone for the right reasons, chances are you will end up happy, building on a solid foundation. When you go through ups and downs that life throws at you every now and then, you face it together with more or less money.
Lisa: “To the point of money, happiness and love…when you want to find that special person, it’s not healthy unless you’ve done the work on yourself to find that inner happiness, to bring it to the relationship, cause if not then you’re chasing money, then you’re doing those things that are not gonna bring you happiness in the end.”
We all need a certain amount of money to live, to eat! And it is all relevant to each individual. Money also offers the added luxuries, so we can afford to do activities that we enjoy: dine out, travel and the list goes on. Memories are usually tied to an event and not an object purchased.
Cheryl: “Doing things together rather than buying something…In relationships buying an expensive gift for somebody that you’re dating or that you are in a relationship with may not be as meaningful as taking them and doing something for instance an outdoor concert…these are free outdoor things that don’t cost anything…these are the experiences that we share.”
Doing things with friends or family, even if it’s not as exciting, makes you happy because it fosters a sense of togetherness and connection between you and the people you care for.
Lisa: “I have two girls…kids remember experiences…the emotions that it brings not the things…When you realize what makes you happy, things always fall in your path.”
We all have things that we craved and purchased at some moment in time, feeling all excited but eventually they lose their luster (literally) and are probably laying somewhere at the back of a closet all but forgotten.
However, memories of people, places and activities, that never gets too old. We never forget the times we spend with those we care for and love and how certain people and adventures made us feel. Times shared and memories created cannot be bought and often, don’t even cost that much. One thing that money can’t buy is time. IT is PRICELESS!
David: “I have two daughters…we often hear with little girls…“find a rich man to marry”…kids love material things…they want to be spoiled but with outdoor things that don’t cost anything…these are the experiences that we share.”
One can only hope that gone are the days where we nurture our children to marry for money. We should encourage our young to find their own identity and purpose! How many people have we met in life with all the money they can ask for, yet feel empty or lonely and surrounded by superficial relationships and objects?
Cheryl: “Spending on other people actually generates more happiness than splurging on yourself…I love to buy gifts, do things for others and sure enjoy spoiling people when I get a chance.”
What happens to those who break up after being in a long term relationship, where they built so much together and all of a sudden one gets left behind, feeling financially lost and having to start all over again? It could happen to both men and women.
Lisa: “It can be scary and challenging… at the same time it’s empowering, cause you can finally have control over your finances…it comes from finding your purpose …many people have not tapped into their purpose…I teach women how to find that bliss spot within them…it can be a woman in her 20’s or women coming out of a long term relationship…”
The best approach to a relationship is to win someone over with the person that YOU are; by being your true self! Don’t hide the real you behind a wall of money or materials. Spending to impress others rarely works over the long term.
Like any cheque book, a relationship is all about the BOTTOM LINE! Emotional meaningful relationships require continuous investment. Each person must give 100% to the couple without giving up who they are as a person. When couples give 50/50, it means you are only investing half of yourself and that won’t balance out on the spread sheet of life!
Cheryl: “I always believe you should contribute 100 percent not 50/50”
You are in charge of your life and get to create your own happiness. The most important relationship you can have is the one that you have with yourself first. You have to be clear on your lifestyle, values and goals before getting involved with someone. It is important to be happy with yourself as you want to bring happiness into your relationship and the intention is to share your time, your love and life with that special someone. GIVE YOURSELF THAT BONUS of a lifetime!
Are you ready to update your life?
If you need any support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me 1-844-744-SOLO (7656)!
Cheryl xo