Celebrate You in 2016

Celebrate You in 2016

For some singles, as the clock strikes closer to midnight there is a feeling of loneliness if there is no one special to kiss when the big hand meets the little one. Think of it this way though, when it is 12 o’clock both arrows of time are pointing straight up to the heavens. The stars are out above and father-time is directing you to look up and out into the horizon.

After saying goodbye last night to 2015 amongst the people I love the most, my kids,  I woke up this morning with a new lease on love and feeling ready to take on the new year.

I myself,  have had a year of personal growth through various life experiences.  I have suffered the loss of a brother, the loss of a relationship and faced many challenges in my personal and business life.

I entered 2015 as lifestyle motivator and dating coach and ended up also hosting a radio talk show on Bell media ,  CJAD800 and was lucky to have Dan Delmar  as my co-host to teach me the ropes of broadcasting. A better wing man I could not have asked for.

I move into the new year as a Solo in the city woman on and off air!

When my radio show hits the airwaves tomorrow night I will be flying solo, just as I was last night when I raised my glass at midnight. I am single, alone as one,  but I know I am not ALONE and certainly not lonely.

When I want company in my personal life, I seek activities that will surround me with individuals that can share and appreciate the moment. I keep myself busy and have created a lifestyle that I love even if at the present its not shared with a love partner.

As I thought about hosting my radio show “Solo in the city SOLO”,  I knew that since I enjoyed sharing the microphone with someone, I decided to invite a friend , author and media personality Marie-Claude Savard Marie Claude Savard from energie to the studio to record tomorrow night’s first show of the year.

The theme we will be discussing is  New Years resolutions; if we should make them and also whether or not to feel bad if we break them.

I want to share with you the resolution I made to myself last night… I want this year to be my real break out year. The year I celebrate who I AM!  I don’t have one goal in particular other than to let life come to me and grow with the adventures that unfold with each passing day.

Creating a life, the life we need to live is the key to our existence and ultimate happiness. When we live in the style we deserve and are meant to by doing the things we love , we become our best self, our most attractive self,  and one who will attract the right people into our lives.

So, celebrate you by being the best you! Get out there and make 2016 the year you do all the things you love and need to do for YOU!  If you follow my advice, I would even bet that 364 days from now, you are not alone or lonely and have someone special to kiss when the clock strikes 12!

Happy New Year everyone!

-Cheryl xo

PS: if you need some help getting started, I am just a phone call 844-744-solo or an email info@solointhecity.tv away. Also watch for the upcoming mission of love master classes and retreats I am offering this year.


Ramona Meghdadi