Learning the Gift of Gab

Getting ready for that first date is often filled with anxiety, as most of us want to put our best foot forward and at the same time make the other person feel comfortable. We fret over the same things each time we are about to go out with someone new.

The ritual is always the same- where to go, what to do, what to wear (being tall I wonder heels or no heels) and then once you are face to face….what will you talk about?

Here are a few examples of icebreaker questions that I have found helpful in reducing the awkwardness of that first encounter. My albeit limited experience has shown me that in most cases, asking one or two of these questions prompted us to both relax and laugh. Isn’t that what its all about anyway?

Gift of the Gab made easy:

1. What weird habit do you have that you would not normally share with a stranger or on your profile?

2. When you were little, what was your favorite toy and did you share it with siblings-friends?

3. What are you passionate about in life; something that makes your heart beat faster than usual?

4. If you could have an endless supply of one food, what would it be and what would you drink with it?

5. If you could close your eyes this moment and be somewhere else in the world where would it be?

6. If you had to give up something in your life this instant, what would it be?

7. Do you have something in your closet that you have owned forever and can’t give it up and why?

8. What is the most sentimental thing you own?

9. How many years have you know your best friend and what makes them special to you?

A male acquaintance suggested that if a woman really wants to break the tension quickly, blurting out the question “do you like the top or the bottom?” would do it! Not sure this won’t just entice another type of tension if you get my drift!

I will admit his comment made me laugh, but it’s definitely not my style to be so provocative on a first date (nor second, third or fourth for that matter!)

Where do you weigh in on this one? Do you have any tried and true icebreakers to share?

Tell me about them!




Cheryl Besner