Date Night In

Date Night In

As the cold weather approaches it is inevitable that many people run for cover.. literally! We take refuge on those sub zero winter nights under cozy blankets in the comfort of “Home sweet Home” instead of venturing out to socialize.

I would like to suggest an option to getting all dressed up in layers and layers of clothes, putting on heavy ugly winter boots and fighting our ever present city traffic and pot hole slippery roads- just to have a dinner date.

Date night In!!

Stay home and share the warmth! Invite that special someone over and cook together. Think of it…. You are creating an activity that stimulates conversation and your tastebuds all at the same time. Talk about a perfect menu for success!

A Study done by even demonstrated that couples who do domestic chores together such as cleaning and cooking share better relationships and sex lives, so why not give it a try.

If you need a recipe for the perfect sweater weather date, why don’t you pick up a copy of Ashley Rodriguez’s book “Date Night In” . This hands on cookbook will help you create your delicious evening, including how to set the scene.

Ladies, another thing to consider:  this is a wonderful way to reciprocate to a chivalrous gentleman who has taken you out several times on the town. He may always insist on paying the tab and this can be a fabulous way to say “thanks and it’s my pleasure this time to invite you to dinner”.

One thing that is important to remember is that the ambience you create mirrors your intention. For instance, If you go overboard with candles and sultry music, he may think he is getting seduced. Although women love that type of setting and think it’s romantic, a man often thinks ” yeah baby …I’m getting lucky tonight!”

I invite you to listen to my show coming up December 5th when I will talk with Ashley Rodriguez and a fabulous panel at the round table when we discuss the benefits and give tips for your perfect date night in!

-Cheryl xo


Ramona Meghdadi