19 Dec 2018
Episode 9: Weekly Inspiration I am alone on the desert plain of lost love. There seems no escaping the sun that is draining my existence. My heart feels like it has gone to dust Like grains through an hourglass passing through me slowly and painfully. Becoming one with the sand beneath my feet Will my broken heart engulf my entire being. Like quicksand that could...
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05 Dec 2018
Episode 7: Weekly Inspiration We sit in silence…..reflecting on who we are….what did I do today and what will I do tomorrow. Curious to know what awaits the awakening of a new day when the sun comes up. Tonight …. imagine the dark sky is a canvas only you can paint ….all the different shades of black…blue….maybe hues of grey ….the endless night...
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01 Dec 2018
Episode 6: Weekly Inspiration I lay calmly on the green glass staring up into the sun and feel the warmth of its rays beating down on my naked self. I am raw, exposing my deepest self to the elements that touch my soul. I give way to the stirring sensation and embrace the rush that is being created within my ore compelling me to...
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28 Nov 2018
Episode 4: Weekly Inspiration Feel the stillness in the air that’s around you right now… Calm soothing there is no place to go… except inward. Feel the air… Is it warming your soul inviting you to stay in peace or do you feel it is chilling with anticipation of your tomorrows. Imagine Your skin feels a slight breeze that tingles your externally or a...
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