11 Mar 2020
Today, I’m sharing with you my Labour of Love Techniques for this week, where I discuss leaving our footprint for the future generation. For me, it’s my #HERreTreats in building a foundation where you can reconnect with yourself. This technique is to start you on your way, that in 2021 you can look back and say I did that, I started the path where all...
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04 Mar 2020
We often feel that powering through life’s obstacles is the key to getting through our daily challenges. But, in actuality, to get through those challenges, we need to take a step back, survey the situation, regain our thoughts, and our energy and then proceed. In regaining our energy, only then we can power through, and to make it to the other side. Today, I’m going...
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26 Feb 2020
The new moon is a renewal of one’s self, where it is the best time to set your intentions, in surrendering yourself to let go or set a new path. In creating a synergy, that will propel you mentally, spiritually, or physically to an attainable goal. Feel the energy, embrace it, and tap into your intuition that will guide you to all your possibilities. Today...
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05 Feb 2020
At the forefront of many conversations these days, you will hear more and more high achievers talking about a desire to create a “Work-Life-Balance” in their lives. For some, it means choosing to step away from their present job, accepting a lower salary for more free time while others change their profession altogether to slow down their fast-paced lifestyle in the corporate or business world....
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01 Jan 2020
Communication is everything in giving and receiving, whether you have a partner or live alone most people experience one of these two emotions when the last child leaves the nest. LOSS: the fact or process of losing something or someone. REJOICE: feel or show great joy or delight. I have put together a 5 step process for an empty nesting reconnecting exercise, to ease the transition in...
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26 Dec 2019
Our children have flown off into the sunset to explore the great seas of life. We gave them wings, taught them to fly in preparation to soar high in the sky, expanding the horizon of opportunity. Their adventure starts while our continues. Alone in our empty nest, we fill our space with new growth and revitalize love of our very existence. Like the beautiful smell...
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18 Dec 2019
The first step to empower yourself in using your limbs, in recognizing your self worth, and to learn more watch my Labour of Love Technique #20. Giving you weekly techniques to Empower yourself in seeing all lifes Possibilities. Click below and watch #LabourofLoveTechnique20 Cheryl Besner – The LifeStylist EMPOWERING you to live by your own design. Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat...
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26 Nov 2019
Imagine yourself being a marathon runner, feeling the hard road under your feet. The heat from the morning sun keeping your muscles warm and agile while mentally exhausted, you are staying focused to finish the race. You are approaching the 35-mile marker, which is often the point where the mind starts to wander and you have no more strength, and the cheerleaders on the sidelines...
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17 Nov 2019
First step in becoming your own Champion Cheerleader is by making a P.A.C.T that will imPACT your life and change how you achieve all your future goals. Consider the last 12 months of your life: Did you have a Plan on how you would achieve your goals? Did you hold yourself Accountable to that plan? Did you think that confidence is more important than Competence? Did you have the...
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11 Nov 2019
The same way that Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments carved into two slabs of stone, these priceless lessons, and values we carry forward so we can navigate through life lessons. That history serves a PURPOSE, and I wonder why so many individuals say at troublesome times that they wish they could “wipe the slate clean” and over. Erasing the marks...
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