24 Jun 2013
Getting ready for that first date is often filled with anxiety, as most of us want to put our best foot forward and at the same time make the other person feel comfortable. We fret over the same things each time we are about to go out with someone new. The ritual is always the same- where to go, what to do, what to wear...
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19 Jun 2013
The last 2 weeks has been whirlwind of activity! I went back and forth to California twice in one week. Flying high- from LAXtoMTL Why the back and forth you might ask? Well let’s just say Idate and I dated. I learned quite a lot in that short time and here’s the recap of my lessons of the week. 1: I attended the Idate conference in...
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12 Jun 2013
On a recent trip to LA, I had the good fortune of meeting Mark Owen, president of Events and Adventures. One night at Berri’s café, while sharing a delicious pizza and sparkling water- (yes, I somehow managed to find the only dry bar in LA, can you believe it?), Mark told me about his dating company and its concept, which is quite unique. Events and Adventures...
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06 Jun 2013
Following my post yesterday, read the scenario my dinner described and then think about the communication gap. A man is watching the news, while his partner is taking a bath in preparation for a night out, and sees that the temperature will be dropping drastically later on. As he watches her get dressed for the evening ahead, he notices her choice of a sleeves dress...
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05 Jun 2013
I was recently having a discussion with a gentleman during dinner about the difference between the way men and women think, speak and react. It was spurred on by our initial departure for the night. When we left for our reservation, with a smile of appreciation for my appearance he also showed concern ” those are quite the heels! Are you ok to walk all...
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01 Jun 2013
A friend and I were having a conversation about my 365 day adventure and she was expressing the fact that she felt the need to get out of her comfort zone but didn’t know where to start. Hmmmm? We had not seen each other in over a month due to conflicting work schedules, so I suggested an early breakfast before our days commenced. But I...
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31 May 2013
For those of you who may be venturing out this weekend I thought I would share with you the mingle card questions from the champagne cocktail party I had last week. It seemed to help break the ice for a lot of our guests and I figure if it worked for us it may work for others. Your opening line could be “I received this...
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30 May 2013
As I end the first chapter of 365 days to find love and head into the second quarter of my journey I decided to celebrate with a special night at Pois Penché. To mark the occasion I decided to celebrate with 42 men and women who came to share my adventure and “Get Connected”. The first two gentlemen arrived and I had a little butterfly...
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