Technique’s to being your own ‘Champion Cheerleader’!

First step in becoming your own Champion Cheerleader is by making a P.A.C.T that will imPACT your life and change how you achieve all your future goals.
Consider the last 12 months of your life:
Did you have a Plan on how you would achieve your goals?
Did you hold yourself Accountable to that plan?
Did you think that confidence is more important than Competence?
Did you have the right Team to support your plan?
I know from my own life experience that the path to achieving our goals can often feel overwhelming which, is why I created this signature 4 step method. I made a P.A.C.T with myself that helped me relaunch my life after being married for 25 years ended in divorce.
I also know that your team is an important part of achieving your goals and I am here to support you as your certified personal coach.
I can be reached directly via email at
It is your turn to make a PACT and it all starts TODAY! 2019 is your year, no excuses, only results!
Step 1:
Choose one goal and fill in the blanks
Goal: ______________________________________________________________
I, _______________________________ do solemnly swear that I am dedicating the next ___________months to achieving my goal of _____________________________________.
SIGN HERE____________________________________
Step 2:
Cut out the above P.A.C.T and put it in your wallet or your daily planner as a daily reminder of your commitment to achieving your goal.
Step 3:
Watch this video and let’s get you started!
Cheryl Besner – The LifeStylist
EMPOWERING you to live life by your own design. Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat Facilitator. For expert advice on love, relationship, dating and coaching on how to reach your full potential email me at
#Cherylxo #blingitonbaby#ownyourfabulousness
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