02 Jan 2019
Always be in the moment and aware of your surroundings because you never know what will happen, and this is how my New Year in Barbados started. #Storytime😬 I was enjoying another beautiful morning on the beach at the Golden Sands Hotel in Maxwell when I saw Mona walking on the beach and I asked her if she was the ham lady, wanting a yummy...
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01 Jan 2019
I wish to thank everyone I knew before the start of my 365-day journey and those who have crossed my path since then, for being part of my wonderful adventure throughout 2018. The relationships I have experienced are the essence of what has helped to bring me to this peaceful space within myself. I have learned so much from all my connections with each person along...
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05 Dec 2018
Episode 7: Weekly Inspiration We sit in silence…..reflecting on who we are….what did I do today and what will I do tomorrow. Curious to know what awaits the awakening of a new day when the sun comes up. Tonight …. imagine the dark sky is a canvas only you can paint ….all the different shades of black…blue….maybe hues of grey ….the endless night...
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01 Dec 2018
Episode 6: Weekly Inspiration I lay calmly on the green glass staring up into the sun and feel the warmth of its rays beating down on my naked self. I am raw, exposing my deepest self to the elements that touch my soul. I give way to the stirring sensation and embrace the rush that is being created within my ore compelling me to...
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23 Nov 2018
Episode 2: Weekly Inspiration Can we possibly obliterate fear? What does the word really mean? What is FEAR? Why have we let four simple letters stand in our way at times? Imagine if the energy we consumed when we are frightened by the dark was instead used to power forth our beam of light! Are you ready to put fear into action instead of having...
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03 Mar 2018
Have you ever arrived at a cross-roads, looked at all the different street signs of life and been unsure of which path to follow? Well, if you are like most individuals and honest about it, the answer is a hard YES! You might be tempted to calculate the path of least resistance that help you get to the destination faster yet in the end still...
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