11 Mar 2020
Today, I’m sharing with you my Labour of Love Techniques for this week, where I discuss leaving our footprint for the future generation. For me, it’s my #HERreTreats in building a foundation where you can reconnect with yourself. This technique is to start you on your way, that in 2021 you can look back and say I did that, I started the path where all...
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01 Jan 2020
Communication is everything in giving and receiving, whether you have a partner or live alone most people experience one of these two emotions when the last child leaves the nest. LOSS: the fact or process of losing something or someone. REJOICE: feel or show great joy or delight. I have put together a 5 step process for an empty nesting reconnecting exercise, to ease the transition in...
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26 Dec 2019
Our children have flown off into the sunset to explore the great seas of life. We gave them wings, taught them to fly in preparation to soar high in the sky, expanding the horizon of opportunity. Their adventure starts while our continues. Alone in our empty nest, we fill our space with new growth and revitalize love of our very existence. Like the beautiful smell...
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18 Jan 2019
Episode 11: Weekly Inspiration Brings a new adventure, a journey. We call Life a one-way ticket, it is in our hands and there is no looking back. Our suitcases are filled with freshly cleaned and neatly folded clothes with joyous of excitement. We board the plane, buckle up our seatbelts. Ready for takeoff. The engine of life revs on our plane and is ready to...
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