14 Aug 2015
There they sit, across a crowded room, the object of your desire – but now what? How do you get their attention? Or… You are on a date and you want to let the person sitting beside you are interested, but what can you subtly do to convey your attraction? This is where so many people FREEZE. So how can you BREAK THE ICE and...
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13 Aug 2015
Ghosting. You may or may not have heard of this fitting term that has become so familiar to the dating scene. Ghosting is the act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone you have been dating or hanging out with, and simply vanishing without a trace. The “ghoster” no longer wishes to continue with the “ghostee.” This is done in hopes that the other person simply...
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10 Aug 2015
In this episode, we talk about toxic relationships with Sophie Bérubé, author of “Sans Antecedents”, lawyer and journalist. Meet our Bachelor Joel and hear what Caroline Codsi and Daniel Geltner have to say during our round table discussions. As usual, we go through our KISS (Keep It Simply Social) calendar and we hit the streets asking what people they have to say about toxic relationships...
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10 Jul 2015
Matchmakers around the world will mostly agree that a first date should only be a brief encounter; what I call the pre-date, to establish if you are interested in going on an actual date. I suggest no more than 45 minutes for a pre-date. It’s like the three stages leading up to the purchase of a new pair of shoes: First, we look in the window and...
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06 Jul 2015
In this episode, we discuss the LAT (Living Apart Together) relationship with Laura Funk, sociology Ph.D and assistant professor at the University of Manitoba. Hear from Phyllis Frost of Fit Bodies by Phil, Aaron Rand from CJAD 800’s Aaron Rand Show and special guest call-in from Aaron’s partner, Valerie Wiseman, on our round table discussion. As usual, we go through our KISS (Keep It Simply Social) calendar and hit the streets asking what...
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29 Jun 2015
Welcome back to Solo in the City, your guide to getting out and finding love. In this episode we are talking about dating after divorce with Anne France Goldwater Dube, senior partner at Goldwater Dube and host of l’Arbitre(@afgoldwater). Meet our Bachelorette Joanne and hear what Natalia Zaychenko owner of mediArt Clinic and Braum Lumanthaull, business coach and mentor have to say during our round...
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26 Jun 2015
You probably think I am about to give you my “how-to” guide on getting back into the dating world after exiting a long term relationship. Well, not so fast! There is plenty of time for that at a later date…pardon the pun! I believe that long before we even get to the concept of dating after divorce, people often need to first date themselves. I think...
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21 Jun 2015
In this episode, we talk travel and dating with Mark Owen, President of Events and Adventures. Meet our Bachelor, Dario and hear what Heidi Hollinger from Kolonaki Group and Photographer Ray have to say during our round table discussions. As usual we will talk about our KISS events calendar and we hit the streets asking people what they think about travel and dating with our “Love Beats”...
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19 Jun 2015
Every once in a while I when I’m feeling stressed and cooped up, I find myself repeating an old slogan from a bath lotion company: “Calgon, take me away!” Do we travel to meet people, to challenge ourselves and expand our horizons? Maybe we just are passionate about seeing the world and exploring life in different countries through various adventures. It doesn’t matter whether it’s...
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15 Jun 2015
Welcome back to Solo in the City, your guide to getting out and finding love. In this episode we hit the streets to record live from La Societe and talk about how fast is too fast when it comes to new relationships. Joining us first on the panel to kick off our discussion on speed and dating is Natacha Noel (www.natachanoel.com), matchmaker from Absolute Bachelor...
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