Is your Solo status on the holiday menu?

Is your Solo status on the holiday menu?

I’ve found at almost any holiday celebration, at some point, the topic conversation always veered to my love life — or what was perceived of as lack thereof! Hello, I am the “365 Days to Find Love” lady! I date plenty, and I’m trying! I can only imagine the grief that people who aren’t publicly trying to find love face when their family or friends keep pressuring them to settle down!

[pullquote type=”right”]”Why is someone like you still single?”[/pullquote]Why is it that instead of talking about the fabulous food we were feasting on, it was instead my marital status that was the most delectable part if the menu for dear old aunt Betsy? The interesting thing is that whatever stage you are at in the “meal,” it’s as if you’re expected to rush to the next course…and that can give you a bad case of indigestion.

dinner settingIf you are single the question is, “why is someone like you still single?” Usually followed up with “but you’re so “gorgeous/smart/funny/successful,” or whatever adjective they use to soften the nag. For some, this makes you want to hide under your napkin and can cause you to lose your appetite.

If you are dating, it’s “when are you going to get married?” At my stage of life, the next part to that is question is, “what are you waiting for? You are not getting any younger!” This calls for more wine! Gulp!

Those who are married have to deal with  the inevitable, “when are you going to start having kids?” That’s the icing on the cake.

Check please!!!

4 tips on how to deal with “distasteful” dinner conversation 

1. Environment Control dresstoimpress
Walk in like you own the place and stay confident. You are there to celebrate the occasion, not be the appetizer of gossip!

2. Dress to Impress
Give them something else to talk about even if it’s outrageous, like sporting a hat or a tie covered in colourful Easter eggs.

3. Icebreaker Retort
Have a rehearsed response to the questions you know will probably be asked of you and make it fun and light. “I haven’t dated as much this month, as I couldn’t afford to put up a billboard. My priority was to buy you this gift instead.” Or, “life is so full of opportunities I need 29 hours in a day to keep up with my social calendar! I am exhausted, and there is only so much fun one person can endure.”

4. Deflect
When Aunt Besty asks you about your love life, try this: “We only have a three-course dinner and life is too full of great moments in the present to worry too much about the future! I am here with you all now, so let’s stay present and enjoy…what do you think is in the gravy that makes it sweet?”

Remember, you are a guest and not the main course. Keep in mind those loved ones probably have only your best interest at heart.

So, raise a glass to them and yourself, and Happy Holidays to all!

Bon appetit!

CherylBesner-110small– Cheryl xo

PS: If you have any comments or questions write to me at and listen to Solo in the City radio, Saturdays nights at 10 pm CJAD 800 Montreal!


Cheryl Besner


  1. I loved your blog post.Thanks Again. Awesome.

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