The empty nest!

Our children have flown off into the sunset to explore the great seas of life. We gave them wings, taught them to fly in preparation to soar high in the sky, expanding the horizon of opportunity.
Their adventure starts while our continues.
Alone in our empty nest, we fill our space with new growth and revitalize love of our very existence.
Like the beautiful smell of jasmine, it’s time to relish the sweet scent of what we accomplished YESTERDAY, enjoy and nurture where we are TODAY and anticipate the many possibilities of TOMORROW.
We are forever at HOME in our nest as it stands, the familiarity, the consistency of what they know as home.
Our nest has stood the tests of time and all the elements of natural …forever our HOME will be our place to land and feel safe.
Cheryl Besner – The LifeStylist
EMPOWERING you to live by your own design. Certified Relationship Expert / Author / Pro-Speaker / reTreat Facilitator. For expert advice on love, relationship, dating and coaching on how to reach your full potential email me at
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