Dream Weaver!

I am the master of my destiny
My dreams of yesterday
My efforts of today
My achievements of tomorrow
The child that played in the park
Carefree and without expectations still dwells in my soul
I summon that spirit to my present being
Not afraid to take the risks
They will bring me to my dream existence
I remember the colours of my dreams
Like a rainbow that glittered in the distance
Each colour unique and beautiful in its individuality
Highlighting each other
Together they became a masterpiece
I keep dreaming the same dream as it is my life desire
Like a spider
The dreamer in me weaves a complex web
The more threads I spin
The stronger my resolve
My core is expanding
Like wings of silk across the universe
My dream catcher is alive in me
I give life to my dreams and they give me life and give me hope
That is the life I wish for
A life of distinction
Drawing on my strength
Nurturing those part of me yet to reach their full potential
Not afraid to see the dark
With the night comes my dreams of all my potential
My individuality as a being
Like a rainbow, my purpose should shine glory onto those that are part of their magical archway
We should all reach for the sky as one yet as one
And as in our dreams
Find our pot of gold
That is the dream and I am my Dream Weaver.

xo Cheryl
For your on the go lifestyle, listen to episode 31 via SoundCloud #PillowTalkwithCheryl – How to Interpret your Dreams!
Pillow Talk with Cheryl every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern time on The Variety Network.
Pillow Talk with Cheryl Episode 31: How to Interpret your Dreams! and if you have any other relationship or dating questions I am here to support you 24/7 at 844-744-SOLO (7656).
Keep Dancing Through Life With Grace And Ease,
xo Cheryl