Cheryl Besner: Deliciously playful dating

We have all been there…

It’s date six, you really like the person you’re going out with, and they think it’s time to step it up a notch.

The invitation is exciting and welcomed, yet another costly restaurant is not giving you the opportunity to interact and have the conversation grow, while also providing you with an activity to do together.

So, why not combine the two?

You may remember last week’s post about “Date Night In“, in which I told you about author Ashley Rodriguez, who wrote a cookbook with her husband that also highlights their experiences in the kitchen and why they started the tradition of cooking together.

Tomorrow night you can hear the whole story (and more!) at 10pm on CJAD800.

But that’s not all!

The act of cooking and eating at home can spark the flames of an intimate relationship! During the panel discussion with Ashley, I brought up Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger in “9 1/2 Weeks”. To me, their kitchen scene in this film still stands as the sexiest in history! (Sadly, there was an obvious generation gap in our roundtable, as only one person had seen the sizzle these two created using leftovers…)

At the bottom of this post, you’ll find a clip of this scene. I felt I had to share it with you for two reasons:

The first is so when you tune in tomorrow night, you’ll be able to visualize the scene and imagine the energy that this type of encounter can ignite.

The second (and most important) reason is to entice you to live the experience for yourself – to whatever extent feels comfortable to you, of course.  It doesn’t only have to be in the movies – you just need to write your own script and set the scene!

It doesn’t have to be fancy, either… look what these characters did simply by emptying the fridge!

Drink, eat, laugh, share, experience, and let Date Night In do the rest.

If you need help creating your first Date Night In, call me at 844-744-SOLO or write to me at I will be happy to give you some expert advice!

And if you haven’t met your sous-chef yet, be sure to check in with all the exciting events we have included in this month’s KISS calendar!

– Cheryl xo



Ramona Meghdadi