Cheryl Besner: Cosmic forces unite!

Cheryl Besner: Cosmic forces unite!

We have all heard the phrase “Men are from Mars; women are from Venus.” While doing some reading recently, I realized we could learn a lot about relationships from our solar system.  Imagine that you and the person you are presently dating are two planets orbiting the sun. There are three basic laws of nature that need to exist between you, or collision is inevitable!

First, you have to be revolving in the same direction, sharing ultimate goals of how you want to live your life and where you want the relationship to end up.

The second law is altitude. It stands to reason that if we are not flying at the same level, someone ends up in the shadow of the other. Distance will also make for difficult communication. I think this is equally important when it comes to moral and spiritual beliefs. One is not right or wrong, but such differences can place you universes apart.

Third, we have speed. The pace of which one lives their life can make or break a relationship faster than the speed of light. If you are a mover and groover like myself, being with someone who wants to and can keep the pace is ideal. No one wants to drag or be dragged through someone else’s world!  Sometimes, two people are just like the sun and the moon: Sharing the same sky but never out together, or at least not for long.

Have you had a relationship where you were light years apart and tried to fight the cosmic forces?  I did, and eventually had to let gravity pull me back down to earth.

Solo in the City Radio is taking a break this week, but we’ll be back on October 17th with our very special guest, Lord Conrad Black. We’ll be discussing the politics of dating: Can two politically-driven and politically-opposite people agree to disagree and find love?

And, as always, the KISS calendar is full of exciting events to help you Keep It Simply Social!

– Cheryl xo


Cheryl Besner