You’re not alone…

You’re not alone…

Envision this: You’re in your late twenties and meet the man of your dreams. You live your entire thirties with him, marry and think that this is it. Until one day, it ends.

You’re now 39 and single again. How did that happen and what do I do? You don’t even know where to begin. You’re absolutely terrified, lost and feel a sense of loneliness that is foreign to you. Well, that was me and trust me, you’re not alone.

[pullquote type=”left”]We’re all in the same situation, striving for the same thing….love.[/pullquote]What I’ve experienced is that dating has certainly changed a decade later. I won’t sugar coat it; it’s hard to do at any age or at any point in your life. Whether you’re a serial dater, have been in a long term relationship or married, it can be done. Especially with some guidance and encouragement. You need to put things into perspective. We’re all in the same situation, striving for the same thing….love.

Have no fear! I’m going to point you in the right direction! I’m your official Toronto Socialista. I’ll keep you up to date on what’s hot and happening in the TO singles scene, including where to go and what you can do. The solo milieu is booming and you will be a part of it.

Keep your hearts open, lovelies!

Lisa Fuocoxo Lisa Fuoco
Toronto Socialista

PS – Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter! You can also read more about me here.


Ramona Meghdadi